A title deed attorney is a lawyer with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of real estate law. Attorneys…
The Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 was adopted on September 26, 2004, and was published in the Official Gazette No.…
Wage attachment regulated under Article 83 of the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Code (İİK) is a type of attachment in which…
Concordat, which means the postponement of debts, is the situation where the debtor settles their debts by agreeing with the…
The Minimum Attorney Fee Tariff (MAFT), which determines the minimum amount that attorneys can charge for their services in the…
In the Turkish legal system, lawyers practicing the profession provide services in various fields of law. However, some specialize in…
The Enforcement and Bankruptcy Code establishes specific time periods to regulate the rights of the parties and organize the enforcement…
In this context, principles such as “freedom of evidence” and the “system of discretionary evidence” have been adopted in our…
In our legal system, a citizenship lawyer provides legal consultancy and representation services for foreign nationals in matters related to…
In the Turkish legal system, insurance law attorneys are lawyers who primarily work in the field of insurance law, possessing…